Arriving together

Entry code: A04002GD19
Agency: Austrian National Tourist Office
Advertiser / client: Austrian National Tourist Office
Group: A. FILM, Screens & Events

Creative idea

The daily routine of our German target group is hectic, family life is loose. As a consequence, the deep yearning of being close to the loved ones, to the family, is suppressed. Our film tells the German audience the story of a family who, during their holidays get again closer and find back to each other. It thus provides an answer – or even a solution – to the spectator’s longing: holiday in Austria! The aim of the integrated video campaign is to create the greatest possible awareness for holidays in Austria. The visual implementation of the rural-urban contrast constitutes one of the key elements of the film.

Brand name: Holidays in Austria
Advertiser / client: Austrian National Tourist Office
Product / service: Holidays in Austria
Campaign name: Arriving together
Agency: Austrian National Tourist Office
Film production: Laterna Magica Filmproduktion
Director: Markus Roche
Music: Diana Danna


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